Negative Effects Of Coffee

7 Negative
Effects of Coffee
Coffee is
America's favorite drug with around 180 million of us starting most days with a
caffeine jolt to get going. Some people enjoy their coffee and apparently have
no health issues with drinking it. There are however some potential negative
effects of coffee, particularly at certain times and when it becomes so
addictive that you find it difficult to go a day without it.
If you are
really concerned about these negative effects, be sure to check out these 3
tips to make coffee super healthy.
In small,
occasional cups there is possibly a case to be made for some benefits to
coffee. If it’s fresh, high-quality and ideally organic (regular coffee is one
of the most pesticide-intensive crops in the world) then a raft of studies have
shown that it can improve alertness and long term it may reduce the risk of
developing Parkinson’s disease, gallstones, kidney stones and liver cirrhosis
for heavy drinkers.
in the longer term it has been associated with an increased risk of high
cholesterol, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
ground coffee is a source of antioxidants like chlorogenic acid that may help
with weight loss and Green Coffee Bean Extract, particularly high in this
antioxidant, are the latest popular supplement for body fat reduction.
Many of us
though are having far beyond small or occasional cups, and instant coffee, or
even worse, that murky stuff that comes out of the office coffee machine, is
far from good-quality.
In fact,
despite some potential longer term benefits, for many of us excessive coffee
consumption may be having some very negative effects on our health in the here
and now, particularly on our digestive system and stress levels.
7 Side Effects of Drinking Coffee