Best Home Remedies For Acne Tips – Natural beauty tips for Acne Treatment
Acne is a skin condition which requires immediate Acne Treatment. Start Home Remedies for Acne and follow natural beauty tips for treating acne as soon as blackheads appear. In this Article you will find Best Home Remedies For Acne Treatment.
Treat your acne with home remedies – Image courtesy of sippakorn
Acne is not a disease but a skin condition which requires immediate treatment with home remedies for acne. Acne occurs because of the action of the hormones on the sebaceous glands or when oil along with dead cells gets trapped in your skin pores, block the ducts and mix with bacteria. They then turn into black-heads when exposed to air. When these black-heads become inflamed they turn into red, the so called unpleasant pimples that all of us dread. They multiply when you touch them with dirty hands. When pimples get infected, they mature into white-heads or pustules. When these break, they cause scars. To nip in the bud, you should start immediately home remedies for acne. To treat acne/pimples, follow our natural beauty tips, as soon as first black-head appears on your face or else where.
What’s worse is acne many times pop up during all the wrong times: school pictures; first dates; job interviews and weddings. The affected areas can be your face, back, neck, chest, upper arms and
Acne is vastly common in teen agers and young adults. There can be some individuals who are prone to acne and they even in their 50s and 60s may remain susceptible to acne. At least six out of ten people suffer from acne problems at some point of time during their lives.
Home remedies for acne given in this article are very useful natural beauty tips to treat acne.
Causes of acne: Adult acne is caused by stress, bad cosmetics, hormones and birth control pills. Oil glands over compensate during stress. Bad cosmetics are cause of bacteria-laden pores. Seacuous glands overact due to change in hormones balance. Birth control pills contain androgen which can cause acne breakouts in women.
You will not like that your appearance is marred by acne, pimples, white-heads and black-heads. If you don’t go for home remedies for acne in time, they can turn in to permanent scars. You are advised to follow home remedies for acne and natural beauty tips as soon as they start appearing, to keep the acne problems under control. A timely acne treatment can save you from exorbitant fees of the dermatologist and costly acne removal products. After trying the expensive treatments for acne removal, you may find that they are not effective as they are claimed to be. Hence, more and more people are going for home remedies for acne.
While for acute & chronic acne problem, it is best that you visit dermatologist for acne treatment, however for not so acute acne problems, you can follow home remedies for acne and natural beauty tips. However, just make sure you don’t have any sensitivity or allergies.
Home remedies for acne – Acne treatment:
(i) Prevention is the best remedy: Take following skin care measures to prevent acne and stop their aggravation:
(a) Use a mild skin cleanser to wash your face at the start of your day, in the evening and before going to bed. Avoid bar soap or anything too abrasive on your face. Don’t over-wash because it won’t get rid of acne any faster. Be careful about using hot water or taking long hot showers because this can strip your skin of moisture, which will aggravate the acne problem. While washing your face use gentle motions rather than trying to scrub the acne away.
(b) Don’t touch the affected area with dirty hands. This will pass on extra dirt, oil, bacteria and grime to the affected areas which can trigger acne. Do not squeeze, pinch or prick the pimples. A very good natural beauty tip for Acne Treatment.
(c) While shaving be careful not to overdo it so as to cause formation of pimples.
(d) Use skin care products which are oil-free and grease less, unless you have dry skin.
(e) Don’t eat at irregular intervals. Avoid excess of starch, oily foods, and excessive sugary products. A useful home remedy for acne.
(f) Chronic constipation also contributes to acne. Insufficient excretion of bowels lead to the waste matter accumulation and buildup of toxins in your blood, which if not remedied tend to aggravate acne. Another grand ma’s home remedy for acne.
(g) Avoid too much consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, sugary or caffeinated beverages or tobacco and sedentary life style. They contribute to metabolism disorders and triggering of acne. All of your bad habits can result in nasty things accumulating in your pores and forming blockages in your skin pores.
(h) Avoid high Glycemic Diet: Try to avoid high glycemic diet, like, sweetened fruit juices, sugary beverages, candy, french fries, low-fibre cereals, macroni, cheese and dates. These increase production of androgen hormones and can trigger acne. Instead take low glycemic diet like beans, high fibre cereals, nuts, fruits, whole grain bread
(ii) Nip in the bud: Acne usually begins with black-heads. As soon as you notice any black-head, get alert and start your acne treatment to remedy it, otherwise it will lead to severe acne problems. A regular clean-up of the affected area is required. Don’t scrub too hard, which otherwise will cause inflammation. Instead of a grainy scrub, use an exfoliant. ( To remove blackheads, read How to get rid of Blackheads).
(iii) Vitamins for Acne Treatment: Two vitamins, particularly, niacin and vitamin A can be used to treat acne. With the advice of your doctor, you may take 100 mg niacin (three times a day), vitamin A (quantity as prescribed by your doctor) and 400 mg of Vitamin E (once a day). Consult your doctor before you start taking vitamins.
(iv) Zinc is another good Home Remedy for Acne: Zinc is a natural mineral that is found naturally in red meat, oysters, poultry, beans, nuts, whole grains and fortified cereals. Zinc taken in medicinal form is also effective in treatment of acne. However, take your doctor advice before taking it in medicinal form.
(v) Tea tree Oil, a good Home Remedy for Acne: Tea tree oil has numerous medicinal uses. It contains an element called terpinen-4-ol. This provides Tea tree oil its anti-bacterial properties. That’s why it can kill bacteria. Many of the currently available acne products in the market contain tea tree oil as an active ingredient that proves its usefulness for acne treatment. However, you must note that this oil needs to be used minimally and care to be taken to dilute it before applying to acne lesions. An ancient time natural beauty tip and home remedy for acne.
(vi) Toothpaste: Toothpaste contains anti-bacterial ingredient called triclosan and also menthol which has drying properties. This is an easily available home remedy for acne.
(vii) Fenugreek: Make paste from the leaves of Fenugreek with few drops of water. Apply this gently on your face and affected areas before going to bed each night. This is a useful home remedy for acne, pimples and especially blackheads.
(viii) Orange Peel: Grind orange peels with few drops of water. Apply this mixture on the affected areas before sleeping at night. Wash off in the morning. An effective home remedy for acne.
(ix) Lemon Juice: An easily available home remedy for acne. Apply lemon juice mixed with un-boiled milk on affected areas whenever you get time. Very effective in shrinking the size and intensity of acne.
(x) Aloe Vera Soaps: Use Aloe Vera soaps and gel, as aloe Vera has got healing properties and very good for your skin. A useful natural beauty tip.
(xi) Coriander and Mint Juice: Mix a teaspoon of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. Wash and apply this paste gently over the affected areas before going to your bed at night. This is an effective home remedy for acne. Instead of coriander juice you can use mint juice also.
(xii) Apply fresh mint juice on your face and leave it there over-night to tame acne. Wash of your face in the morning.
(xiii) Cucumber: Make paste of cucumber in a blender. Apply this paste on your face and relax for twenty minutes with this paste on your face. This is a very good for Acne Treatment.
(xiv) Egg yolk mask: Blend egg yolk and apply with help of cotton on the affected areas and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash it off. It removes extra oils and therefore helps in taming acne.
Mix baking soda with water and prepare it as paste and apply it on your face for 30 to 40 minutes and wash it. You may realize the difference instantly, because baking soda is the very best remedy to cure black and white heads.
Follow with confidence above outlined Home Remedies for Acne to have acne free glowing and charming face.
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