How to get rid of belly fat

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How to Get Rid of Belly Fat for Women

How to Lose Belly Fat for Women 

Learn the best ways about how to get rid of belly fat for women, not only to look beautiful but also as the belly fat leads to many life style diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, etc.
Act fast now to get rid of belly fat, as the older you get, the stubborn your belly fat will become.

Location of Fat: Your body store fat in two locations:

(I) Just under the skin: In abdomen, buttocks, hips and thighs. This fat you can notice and is called “subcutaneous” fat.

(ii) Deeper inside: Around your vital organs, namely, heart, lungs, digestive tract, liver, etc. This fat you cannot notice and is called “visceral” fat.

Everyone is generally worried about the fat which one can see. But in fact, the hidden fat, that is the visceral fat, is a bigger problem.
A little fat is needed like any other organ: Actually your body needs some fat. Only the excess fat is cause of worry.

(i) We all have visceral fat. It is required to provide necessary cushioning around your organs.

(ii) It becomes a problem when you have too much of it, as then you are more likely to develop high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart problem, etc.

(iii) Belly Fat is risk for even bone loss, as visceral fat adds to bone marrow and decreases bone density.

Causes for Belly Fat in women

(i) Hormones: Menopause causes drop in estrogen production. This makes women more prone to gain visceral belly fat.

(ii) During per menopause and menopause, the decrease in leptin levels causes sleep disturbances, which can again cause belly fat.

(iii) Hormonal imbalances during menopause also make you to feel hungry, even after eating. So you tend to eat more.

(iv) Another cause is stress which can lead to an increase in cortisol level, a “stress hormone”, which makes your body to store more belly fat.

(v) Women also tend to gain more weight during pregnancy.

How to get rid of belly fat fast for women:
Follow these four ways to get rid of belly fat, namely, Exercise, Diet, Sleep and Stress Management.

1. Exercise Tips –  For getting rid of belly fat for women:

(i) Crunches and sit-up are often ineffective to get rid of belly fat.

(ii) Consider yoga-inspired exercise, the Cat pose. Get on your all fours. Arch your back like a cat. Work on your abdominal muscles by inhaling and pulling the stomach back towards spine. Inhale and exhale for four seconds each. Repeat it for few minutes.

(iii) If you have not been active lately, better check with your doctor before taking up any vigorous exercises program.

(iv) Vigorous exercises help in getting rid of belly fat, including visceral fat. Half an hour of vigorous aerobic exercise four times a week can do the trick. Alternatively, you can go for jogging or walking briskly.

(v) If you are not fit for vigorous exercise, go for any other moderate activity (that raises your heart rate) for thirty minutes at least three times a week.

(vi) Do your exercise in small bursts. Interval training or alternate short bursts of exercise with brief resting periods are more effective to lose belly fat.

(vii) You can also set your treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical for interval training, so that difficulty level is increased for short intermittent periods. Most of the modern exercise equipment has this facility.

(viii) One way to lose belly fat is to run fast for 20 seconds, then slow down to a walk, until you catch your breath. Repeat it for ten minutes.

(ix) Go for a brisk walk for five minutes, whenever you get time during your day work by getting up from your desk.

(x) Consider walking up and down a flight of stairs instead of using lift.

(xi) Walk instead of driving. Stand up and walk for thirty steps every thirty minutes.

(xii) Do squatting. Stand with your feet 8-9 inches apart, extend your arms in front, and squat hips backwards. Do three to four sets of 15 to 20 squats.

2. Foods to reduce belly fat – Diet Management:

(i) Foods to burn belly fat: Eat more of saturated fats, including nuts, olive oil, seeds. Other fat burning foods are avocados,green tea and whole grains.

(ii) Foods to avoid to loss belly fat: Avoid trans-fats at any cost. Trans-fats found in margarine, packaged cookies, crackers and pasta build fat around your belly and moreover can redistribute fat from other parts of your body to your belly. Also avoid packaged foods, partially hydrogenated oils and white bread.

(iii) Fiber rich diet: Go for higher-fiber bread. Eating whole grains (instead of refined grain) to lose your belly fat quickly.

(iv) Eat soluble fiber: Consuming soluble fiber (such as that found in oats, cherries and apples) lowers insulin levels, which accelerate burning of the visceral belly fat.

(v) Cut down on calories consumption: Unless you reduce calories consumption, you cannot get rid of your belly fat fast.

(vi) Drink lots of water: Consistently drinking water throughout the day leads to a more active metabolism. 

(vii) Breakfast: Include protein and high fiber foods in your breakfast.
Have eggs (white), peanut butter, and fresh fruits. Avoid taking sugary products, such as French toast, waffles, and pancakes to get rid of belly fat fast. Further to increase your metabolism, have breakfast within half an hour of your waking up. Increasing of metabolism is a key factor to get rid of belly fat. 

3. Right amount of sleep: Sleep for around seven hours per night. If you sleep more or less than that, you are likely to gain visceral fat. If you are having sleeping problems.

4. Manage your stress: Everybody has stress. But you need to manage it. Chronic stress is a problem. To manage stress, try out following:

(i) Meditating, exercising and socializing are the best ways to manage your stress.

(ii) Get adequate sleep. Do not work or do anything stressful in your bedroom.

(iii) Set aside time to relax. Try to find some time to simply close your eyes and breathe deeply.

(iv) If you are going through chronic stress, consider getting counselling sessions to control your stress.

Out of the above four ways, the exercising gets you the most immediate benefits, as this counteract on both obesity and stress.

Caution: Many women commit a mistake. They start dieting drastically to lose belly fat fast. Actually, this results into reduced metabolic rate rather than fat reduction. At the end of day, as the hunger pangs strike, they tend to eat more that result into belly fat. The best is to increase number of times you take meals, but reduce the quantity and have smaller portions in each meal.