Smart Answers To Stupid interview Questions
Smart Answers To Stupid Interview Questions
We have hit a
strange period in the working world. We are waking up to the obvious
fact that people go to work, and not machines.
We don't need to adopt
machine scripts or to stop being human just because we are at work. Work
is a human place, and we can celebrate that fact, rather than pretend that
people operate the same way machines do.
One of the biggest
differences between people and machines is that people deserve to be treated
like people wherever they are.
We all know how to
talk to people, how to be casual and friendly, how to tell jokes and how to be
human. The problem is that lots of other people, including lots of people in
management positions, are stuck in an outdated mindset. They think that
at work, we have to be stiff and formal.
These fearful folks
don't have the confidence to allow themselves to be human at work. They stick
with the old-school business script, including the lame, tired script for a
traditional job interview.
Some interviewers
still read their questions from a typed list on a clipboard, a brutal
experience for a job applicant with a pulse and a personality. This type
of interviewer barely glances at you as s/he scribbles notes on your
answers on a clipboard. That's no way to interview people! I have hired
thousands of brilliant job-seekers and I've never used an interview script.
If I'm not qualified
to sit down with someone and have a warm, human conversation with them, why would
anyone allow me to interview job applicants and represent the company?
Interviewing job
applicants is a mix of vetting and wooing. Anybody who can only vet without
wooing should not be allowed near an interview room.
We don't send
salespeople out into the field to talk to customers before they've learned how
to have a conversation. We don't put customer service people on the phone if
they can't make their way through a simple telephone give-and-take.
The only reason we
treat job-seekers less carefully than we treat customers and prospective
customers is that many employers still cling to the outdated notion that job
applicants are a dime a dozen, and somehow less than human.
Even as employers wail
about imaginary talent shortages, they still mistreat job-seekers in the hiring
pipeline. They abuse job-seekers although doing so is bad HR, bad
leadership, bad PR for the company and simply bad business.
The standard job
interview playbook is fifty years old. It is useless and insulting to
job-seekers, but it is still in wide use.
If you've been on a
job interview lately you know that you have to be ready to answer stupid and
demeaning interview questions. Here are sample answers to these ridiculous
interview questions.
Pick the answer that
feels right for you based on your mojo level on the day of your interview. If
your mojo level isn't all that high, you can respond with our low-mojo answer.
If you feel pretty good about yourself, try the medium-mojo-level answer and if
you're feeling great, use our high-mojo reply!
Why Should We Hire
You Over the Other Applicants?
Why is this a stupid
question? It's a stupid question because you will not meet the other applicants
for the job, and have no way to compare yourself to them. Apart from that, you
are just on your first interview.
You don't know a lot
about what the job entails. Why should you be expected to sell yourself before
you have any particular reason to want the job?
You've never worked
for this company before. This is the kind of question that springs from the
mindset "Prove your worth for this job!" That mindset comes from fear
-- fear of not being in control of the hiring equation.
Low-mojo answer: From what I've heard about the job so far,
you're looking for someone to do (X) and (Y), which sounds a lot like what I
did in my job at Acme Explosives.
Medium-mojo answer: If I've been understanding you, it seems
as though the biggest short-term challenge for the person you hire into this
job will be handling [X]. I have a pretty good feel for what you're up
against, I think, and what you're trying to achieve. In fact, can I ask you a
question about that?
High-mojo answer: That's a great question! I think that's what
we are here to figure out today and of course, you've got the advantage over me
since you'll meet or have met the other candidates for this job. Shall I tell
you what I've heard you say so far that you're looking for? You can tell me if
I'm in the ball park.
What's Your
Greatest Weakness?
This is a stupid
interview question because nowhere it is written or decreed that human beings
have weaknesses.
Who says we have
weaknesses? I don't think you have any weaknesses. There are plenty of things
that any person doesn't do well, but so what?
That is not a
weakness. I don't play golf well and I don't want to play golf, so how is my
lack of golf-playing skills a weakness?
Low-mojo answer: I want to get better at business writing. I've
written correspondence and reports but I'd like to learn to write a newsletter
and marketing pieces.
Medium-mojo answer: I'm having a lot of fun learning html, but if
you ask me what I don't do well, I'll say creative writing. I try to avoid
creative writing whenever possible and get back to html coding as fast as I
High-mojo answer: I used to obsess about my weaknesses until it
finally hit me that there will always be literally millions of things I don't
do well. I need to focus on getting better at things I love to do and do well
now, like creating executive dashboards! What about you?
What Would Your Last
Manager Say About You?
This is a stupid
question because with this question the interviewer elevates any past
boss of yours to the status of an adviser -- someone whose opinion
they value.
Your last boss is a
complete stranger to your interviewer, but for some reason their opinion really
That's an insult to
you, if you think about it. Is there an International Society of Bosses now,
such that your ex-boss's opinion carries lots of weight? What if your last boss
were a creep who got fired from the job two weeks after the creep fired you?
This is a very rude and presumptuous question.
Low-mojo answer: He would say I'm a hard worker and a great
Medium-mojo answer: My old boss would probably say that I was
a good collaborator and that we challenged one another in a good way.
High-mojo answer: She'd say that we kept one another on our
toes. What do the employees in your department say about you?
Liz Ryan