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What is the Difference Between Lightening, Whitening and Brightening  ?

With all of the different products available on the marketplace, choosing the right one can be difficult. Currently, women can select between brightening, whitening and lightening creams. Before making a choice and starting a daily regimen, ladies need to figure out which product that they need to use. Although skin whiteners are available on the marketplace, they are generally not a good choice. Unless a skin whitener is prescribed by a dermatologist, individuals should avoid using them. Instead,
skin lightening and brightening products should be used to achieve lighter, healthier skin.

Each person is born with a specific skin shade. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, it naturally darkens and creates a tan. With the help of certain products, people can return their skin to a lighter shade. Depending on the colour of their skin, there are certain limitations to how white their skin can become. To get started, women need to protect their skin from further sun damage. Wearing a hat and using sunscreen can help prevent the skin from darkening further.

When people use skin lightening products, the goal is normally to lighten the skin. With consistent use, it helps the skin lighten several shades and returns the dermis to a healthier color. Most of these products are made with chemical called tyrosinase inhibitors. This active ingredient stops an enzyme in the skin from producing melanin. Without melanin, the skin cannot darken in the sunlight. Individuals who use tyrosinase inhibitors have to be careful about sun exposure because melanin and tanning are actually how the skin protects itself from the sun.  Although the skin will be whiter, it can also lead to worse sun damage.

Unlike skin lightening, the goal of skin brightening agents is not to exclusively whiten the skin. Instead, brightening agents are designed to impart a natural, vivid radiance to the skin. The skin is continuously creating new skin cells to replace dead skin. Often, these older skin cells remain on the skin’s surface and can cause it to appear dull and old. Skin brightening can help individuals improve the way their skin naturally sheds dead skin cells. For the best skin brightening products, ladies should look for treatments that include micro-exfoliants. By using micro-exfoliant products, the dead layer of the skin is shed so that newer cells can take their place.

Skin whitening treatments are typically a lot harsher than brightening or lightening the skin. This technique uses some kind of harsh bleach to strip all or most of the pigment out of the skin. This irritates the skin and can even cause portions of the skin to be discolored. Certain individuals may develop post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). This condition occurs when whitening is applied to the skin and causes it to become reddened. Other people may develop ochrinosis which results in bluish spots that look like bruises.

In certain Asian countries, having whiter skin is considered beautiful. With this in mind, skin care companies have designed products that help to whiten skin. These whiteners can cause damage to the skin and irritation. Older women who have used these products throughout their life often develop hyperpigmentation on parts of their skin. This causes sections of the skin to be permanently darker or lighter than the surrounding area. Due to this, skin whitening products should generally be avoided.

Due to the numerous side effects and issues associated with skin whitening, women should avoid using these products. Instead, skin lightening and brightening should be used. Lightening simply returns the skin to a lighter shade, but does not cause it to reach an unnatural whiteness. With skin brightening, dull skin is removed for a more radiant look. Both of these techniques help to give a natural clarity and glow to the skin. Individuals who suffer from melasma, unusual pigmentations and dark spots can use lightening to make their skin take on a more even tone.

Like most things, it is far easier to prevent an illness than it is to cure it. Instead of resorting to harmful skin whitening agents, individuals should first work on preventing skin issues. Rays from the sun can cause damage to the skin. These rays are harshest around midday, so outdoor light should be completely avoided from 11 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. Whenever individuals do choose to go outside, they should apply a sun block that is at least 30 SPF. If the individual goes swimming or is outside for more than a couple of hours, they should make sure to reapply it again.

In addition to using sunblock, individuals can take precautions like wearing long sleeves or a hat. This can help prevent the sun from tanning the skin. If this is not enough, skin brighteners and lighteners can work. Both of these products are considered safe to use. Skin brighteners are particularly effective at promoting radiant, vibrant skin. For skin that truly shines, take advantage of skin lighteners and brighteners for a better, healthier glow.

There are many promising skin brightening products available today that can be used to make skin appear brighter and more youthful. At the same time, it is important to carefully consider the promised benefits of any skin brightener in the light of that product's specific ingredients. A quality skin brightener should be formulated from compounds that show promise in lightening skin tone, a function that may also include reducing the prominence of freckles and other sun spots. Optimally, a skin brightener will also offer anti-wrinkle benefits to further promote the youthful appearance of facial skin. Of course, skin brighteners should also be able to help skin appear brighter and more radiant, just as their names suggests. To aid your search for the ideal skin brightening product, we've listed and evaluated each top skin brightener below on its ability to deliver these desired results.


 Jill McDonald