For Total Stretch Marks Recipies try this!

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For Stretch Marks on Stomach : 
You are required to lie down flat on your back. Now, bend your knees keeping the feet flat on the floor. Keep your hands on the sides of your head. Now, lift your upper body somewhat off the floor, contracting your abs.

For Stretch Marks on Thighs :
 Sit straight on the chair. Now, put your hands down to your sides, holding the chair. Now, swing your legs in up and down motion. This will help to firm your thighs.

For Stretch Marks on Hips and Buttocks : 
Lie down flat on your back. Relax for a few minutes. Then, lift one leg creating a 90 degree angle. Lift it until you feel a pull on your buttocks. Try the same on the other leg. Slowly, increase your pace and strain on the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

For Stretch Marks on Bottom :
 You are required to lie down facing the floor. Put your arms on the side. Lift your right leg up and then down. Repeat the same with left leg. Raise your leg at least 3-6 inches off the floor.
Note- For best results, practise 20 lifts for each exercise thrice a week.

How to Get Rid of Older Stretch Marks?

In this fast pace of life, women have very less time to take care of themselves. One of the problems that most of the women counter with is stretch marks. If stretch marks are not treated on time, they get older and difficult to remove. You can simply follow these remedies to lessen the older stretch marks:
To get rid of older stretch marks, fractional laser therapy is the best option. It makes the skin surface smooth. Fractional laser treatment may also result in side-effects, like hyperpigmentation and scarring.

You can also use SPF 60 directly on the stretch marks.

Other Treatments for Stretch Marks

Apart from natural home remedies, various other simple options are also available to remove stretch marks. They are as follows:

Use oats as a natural scrub on the stretch marks.

Use Vaseline on the stretch marks.

For itchy stretch marks, take a warm shower followed by a gentle oil massage.

Folic acid is also effective for healing the stretch marks.

Use a moisturizer on the affected area.

Retin-A (retinoic acid cream) can be used to lessen the stretch marks.

Glycolic acid is useful to increase the production of collagen.
 It is safe to use during pregnancy.

You can opt for “Mommy Makeover”, which includes liposuction, breast lifts, and tummy tuck treatments. These all are effective methods for reducing stretch marks.

Pulsed dye laser or vascular laser can be effective on fresh stretch marks. However, it is not effective for dark women.

One can try surgical or laser treatments to remove the stretch marks.