How to Get Rid of Split Ends
How to Get Rid of Split EndsBest Tips to Get Rid of Split Ends At Home – Split Ends Treatment
Trimming the split ends of your hair is not the only solution for getting rid of split ends at home. In this article you will find the best methods that are natural remedies and medicated ways to prevent split ends from occurring.
What Causes Split Ends
Before we go into the ways to get rid of split ends, let us first understand the causes of split ends.
(i) Split ends is a common problem with most women, irrespective of whether they are young or old, their hair is long or short, greasy or dry. However, split ends are more common among women who have long tresses, which dry the hair.
(ii) Split ends occur when hair follicles become dry, brittle, and lose their protective outer layer.
(iii) Excessive washing, harsh combing and not taking proper care of your hair are among the primary causes of split ends.
(iv) There are certain causes of split ends that cannot be easily helped, like dry climate and harsh winds. However, you can take precautions to escape from the negative effects of such conditions to prevent split ends.
How Do You Get Rid Of Split Ends
No matter how well you take care of your hair, some breakage and split ends are bound to happen. But here are the best suggestions that can help you to get rid of split ends.
(i) In the first place take proper & timely care of your hair so that you get lesser split ends, because the only cure once you get split ends is to trim them.
(ii) Consider having a regular hair trim every six to eight weeks to keep the ends of your hair healthy. The longer you wait for trimming, the greater the probability of your split ends worsening and moving up the hair shaft.
(iii) Even if you like to have long hair, consider getting the hair cut half to one inch off, as splits are commonly found at multiple lower hair shaft points and not only at the visible tips of the impaired hair strands. In fact if you are aiming to grow longer and healthier hair, it’s advised that you get regular trims,
(iv) Use a moisturizing shampoo. Do not shampoo much more often than what you need to. Unless you have super oily hair, go for an every alternate day cleansing hair schedule to prevent drying out of your hair.
(v) It’s better if you use only herbal or mild shampoo for washing your hair. Also it’s a good idea to use a shampoo that contains sun-screen as a major ingredient.
(vi) Consider using anti dandruff shampoo as it also contribute to repair split ends. Mostly the split ends are due to dry scalp that leads to dandruff and then brittle hair. Therefore, if your dandruff is cured, in turn it will lead to repairing of the split ends.
(vii) Use a leave in conditioner after every shower to prevent drying out of your hair and to prevent split ends as well. On the other hand the conditioners that are rinsed out in the shower do little to nothing to prevent the split ends.
(viii) Deep condition your hair: If your hair are naturally super dry or have dried out due to excessive heat styling, such dryness can cause split ends. Consider weekly or fortnightly deep conditioning treatment to moisturize your hair and to get rid of the split ends.
How To Get Rid Of Split Ends Without Cutting Your Hair Tips
(i) Head Massage – Home remedy for split ends: Massaging your scalp stimulates blood circulation and this gives shine and strength to your hair and prevent split ends as well. Use a mixture of coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil in equal quantities. To get better results heat this oil mixture a little bit before applying to your scalp.
(ii) A Natural Beauty Tip for Hair Pack: Home remedy for split ends: Blend one ripe banana, two tablespoons of curd, a bit of rose water and fresh lemon juice. Apply this home made pack on your head starting from the scalp till hair end. Leave this pack on your hair for an hour before you wash it off.
(iii) Another Natural Beauty Tip Hair Pack – Home remedy for split ends: Alternatively, you can make home made hair pack by mixing one egg, one table spoon of honey, and a half cup of milk. Apply this pack in the similar way as above and leave it on for 15-20 minutes then wash it off.
How To Fix Split Ends
(i) Limit your use of blow dryers, straight irons, hot curler or any other heat styling products. Let your hair air dry. In any case if you have to use hair dryers, keep it at cool setting.
(ii) Do not rub towel to dry out your hair.
(iii) Do not brush wet hair, because that’s when it is at its most vulnerable stage.
(iv) Detangle your hair with a wide-tooth comb.
(v) Use a natural-bristle hair brush that does not pull on your hair to break it off, thereby causing split ends.
(vi) Limit your going out in the summer sun. Wear a
hat to block the sun-rays, as UV rays can cause split ends and breaking of hair.
(vii) Avoid or limit use of chemically based products to repair split ends.
(viii) For split end treatment, go for a diet rich in nutrients like protein, omega 3 fatty acid, vitamin A and C and selenium. Foods rich in folic acid include leafy vegetables, oranges, soybeans and wheat.
(ix) For split end repair include Biotin in your diet, as it strengthens both hair and nails and helps in preventing split ends. Brown rice, lentils, sunflower seeds, walnuts, soybeans and walnuts are rich in biotin.
Follow above natural beauty tips about how to fix, repair and get rid of split ends to have healthy and thick hair