Effective facial regimen
Skin Care Regimen To Preserve a Youthful and Glowing FaceHey don’t you want to know the Skin Care Regimen tips so that you look best in public, whether in your school, college, office or when you are going out with your friends. Here are the best of the best facial skin care tips for your face (females), which will help you to maintain a healthy complexion and glowing face.
Basic Skin Care Routine
Do you know, what does a basic skin care regimen comprise of? It’s simple. Cleansing, toning and moisturising every day. Firstly to remove dirt and bacteria, secondly for refining tissue and thirdly for keeping your skin hydrated to avert premature lines and wrinkles.
1. Basic Skin Care Routine Tip.
1 – CLEANSING: Do it twice a day with your optimal product that suits you. Choosing which one to use actually depends on your skin type and acne severity. If you have sensitive skin, you need a gentler product and in case of less sensitive skin, you may go for a little harsher product to get better results.
However, If you are an organic or natural product lover, go for lemon juice, dandelion sap, honey, etc. For natural cleansing use one of following:
(i) Take 1 table spoon of un-boiled milk, dip a small pad of cotton wool in this and rub on your face gently. Use circular movements, use upward strokes on the neck area. Wash off your face after ten minutes.
(ii) Cut tomato in two halves and rub gently over your face and neck gently. Wash after ten minutes.
(iii) Take the half of a lime peel. Extract the juice from the lime peel. Rub this firmly on your face and the neck. Use this as a scrub, once in 3-4 days.
(iv) Take diluted buttermilk, dab on your face and leave it on for ten minutes, gently wipe with moist cotton wool.
2. Basic Skin Care Routine Tip.
2 – Toning: Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleansers that remain after cleansing. Immediately after cleansing apply toner on the forehead and cheeks with the help of a pad of cotton wool
(i) Take care to apply the toner to the crevices around the nose.
(ii) Also ensure to apply the toner to the crevices around the chin.
3. Basic Skin Care Routine Tip .
3 – Moisturizing: This is must if you have a dry skin. A moisturizer will help you in keeping your skin smooth and supple. Your face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, so moisturizers — which form a film over the skin — contain and augment the natural moisture.
(i) Use the tips of your fingers to dot moisturizing cream lightly all over your face.
(ii) Press the fingers of your both hands in the center of your forehead and work the cream slowly outwards. Pat the cream gently around the eyes.
(iii) Work the cream around the jawline, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands.
(iv) Massage the cream over the throat with alternating hands, using upward strokes from collar-bone to chin.
Additional Facial Skin Care Tips
In addition to the above three basic skin care regimen tips for your face, also follow the following general natural beauty tips:
1. Remove your facial hair: Every one likes clean look, free from hair. So keep your eyebrow lines neat. Also ensure to remove hair from your upper lip and chin. Get your eyebrows trimmed from a professional who will wax or pluck your eyebrows. They are the expert and take care not to take too much off, as this can create problems in future. Also ensure to remove the few stray hairs with tweezers.
2. Lips care: Keep your lips moisturised with the help of a lip hydrator. A natural beauty tip is to rub a sugar-and-water solution on them and then use moisturizer. Sugar removes the dead cells and will rejuvenate your lips. Keep a stick of lip moisturizer handy and use it whenever you need to. However, do not use too much of chap-stick, as your lips can get addicted to the chemicals that heal / prevent chapped lips and they will stop producing natural oil and you will become totally dependent on the chap-sticks.
3. Exfoliating Facial Scrub: Follow the habit of using facial scrub two to three times a week. Use an exfoliating facial scrub to slough away dead skin cells.
4. Nourishing Face Mask: Use a nourishing face mask once a week to improve facial skin health and glow on your face. You can use avocado face mask to deep clean and make your facial skin supple.
5. Avoid touching your face: Do not get into the bad habit of touching your face or leaning your face on your hands. By doing this you will mess up with your acne and your hands natural oil secretion will clog your pores which can in turn lead to blemishes. Howsoever tempting it may be, do not indulge yourself into popping your pimples, as this is a sure way to leave marks on your face. Also make it a habit to change your pillow covers frequently as the oils linger on the fabric which get on to your face at night, which increases the possibility of getting your pores closed and also aggravating acne problem.
6. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated: You need plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated during the day. So drink eight glasses of water a day to compensate for the water loss from your body due to sweating, urine, etc.
7. Protect your face from harmful UV rays: Ultraviolet rays damage your skin over time. So protect your face from the sun by using sunblock every day. If you want to protect your face from harmful ultraviolet rays, use a moisturizer with a minimum SPF of 15.
8. Above all, use good-quality products: Make it a habit of using good quality products with natural ingredients instead of harmful chemicals for long-term benefits over time. Use skin care products containing essential oils, botanic extracts, and having base of coconut, sesame and olive oils. Such products will protect and nourish your skin with antioxidants and vital fatty acids.
Follow the above outlined Basic Skin Care Routine to preserve a youthful and radiant looks.